Highway Lab
Location:- Ground Floor Civil Engineering Labs Block
Lab Objective:- To provide background knowledge of transportation engineering with detailed and thorough understanding of framework of various transportation systems.
Courses Taught:- Transportation Engineering-I, Transportation Engineering-II, Pavement and Foundation Engineering
Adequacy for Instruction:- Excellent
Software Available if Applicable:- Eagle Point
Major Equipment:-:- Pendulum Friction Co-efficient meter, Asphalt Mixer Apparatus, Magnetic Stirrer Hotplate, Glass Beaker, Marshal Molds,Flakiness Index Gauge,Elongation Index Gauge Sieve Set, Cleveland Flask Point Tester, Asphalt Extraction Machine, Asphalt Mixer Penetration Apparatus, Los Angles Machine
Safety Regulations:- Helmets and gloves are mandatory to use while performing laboratory experiments. And the presence of Lab Assistant is mandatory in case testing. A dedicated Cautioned Zone is being defined while performing tests on the heavy machines/apparatus.
Highway Lab Gallery