Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Discipline Rules
  1. All Muslim students must show, in words and in deeds, they have full faith in Islam.
  2. All students must have faith in constitution and respect for the, ideology of Pakistan.
  3. All students must, in matters of religion, respect the convictions of others.
  4. Every student is expected to:
    1. Be loyal to Pakistan
    2. Obey the law of the land as well as the rule and regulations of the campus
    3. Maintain law and order as well as the dignity and prestige of the ALMA matter
    4. Have respect for morality and personnel honor and rights of others.
    5. Respect teachers, all elders and persons in authority in the campus.
  5. No student shall:
    1. Utter, do, or propagate, anything reporting repugnant to Islam within and outside the precincts of the campus.
    2. Say or do anything which might adversely affect the honor and prestige of Pakistan, teachers and his/ her educational institution.
    3. Organize, or hold any functions within the precincts of the campus except in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations.
  6. Collect money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the Institute or any other university organization except with written permission of the DSA.
  7. Violations of the institute policies on academic dishonesty by committing, or attempting to commit, academic dishonesty including, cheating in examination i.e. mobile phone usage, paper exchange or any other source, paper will be cancelled immediately.
  8. Abuse, Assault, Threatening Behavior
    Endangering, threatening, causing physical or mental harm to any person or oneself, abusive language/ physical or verbal intimidation, harassment on the College premises. Torturing remarks, placing visual or written material, aimed at a specific person or group in these conditions
    1. With the intention of causing harm to the person or group.
    2. Creating an environment which limits a student’s educational opportunity.
    3. Committing students must submit apology letter and will be charged fine as per the disciplinary committee decision keeping in mind the situation.
  9. If any student found misbehaving with teacher, he/she will be expelled from the institute for a specific period up to one academic session or fine as per decision of disciplinary committee.
  10. Drugs, Firearms, Explosive and other Weapons
    1. Total ban on illegal possession, all type of explosives (including, but not limited to fireworks) other weapons, drugs (Alcohol, ceramics) and dangerous chemicals on the College premises.
    2. On violation of this, expulsion from the institute for a specific period up to one academic session or fine as per decision of disciplinary committee.
  11. Furnishing False Information or Unauthorized use of Documents
    1. Furnishing false information to the College and its officials, misusing affiliation with the institute to gain access to outside agency/services, using false information and college resources to compromise the name of the College
    2. Administration department will take action as per situation.
  12. Damage to Institute property i.e. Destruction/ Theft
    1. Fine will be charged up to double cost of damaged property by individual or whole class.
  13. Political activities
    1. A legal action will be taken against involvement in political activities/issues.
  14. Smoking
    1. Smoking is strictly prohibited within college premises. Violation of rule results in fine.
  15. Gender Mixing
    1. Students are strictly reminded to follow the accepted social and cultural norms of the society. Coupling is not allowed in department classrooms, labs and building stairs. However, group study in mannered way is allowed. Students found committing this action will be charged fine as per decision of disciplinary committee.
  16. Dress Code:
    To maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the institution, students are required to wear decent dress keeping in view the local cultural values. The dress restriction is not an attempt to impose any rigidity or regimentation but is congenial to the spirit of discipline which is the cardinal feature of life style. The purpose of Dress Code is to provide basic guidelines for appropriate work dress that promotes a positive image of institute besides allowing flexibility to maintain good morale, respect, cultural values and due consideration for safety while working at laboratories. In compliance of the dress code, students shall avoid:
    1. Wearing tight or see through dresses.
    2. 2 Wearing Shorts, or sleeveless shirts.
    3. Wearing tight or see through dresses.
    4. Wearing shabby or torn clothing.
    5. Wearing T-Shirts/dress bearing language or art, this appears to be provocative and is likely to offend others
    6. Wearing slippers.
    7. Wearing jogging or exercise clothing during classes.
    8. Wearing untidy or immodest dress in classrooms and cafeteria.
    9. Wearing unprofessional attire in formal programs and interviews/ presentation/ viva.
  17. These rules cannot be challenged in any court of law.
  18. Note:- All mentioned rules and regulation of all aspects can be modified or amend at any time or as per need with the consultation of competent authority.

    These rules cannot be challenged in any court of law.

Attendance Rules:
  1. A student having less than 80% attendance in lectures and practical separately shall not be allowed to take the final term examination of the course. The department shall notify the list of such students at least one week before the examination week.
  2. If a student makes him/herself absent from the department/college for ten consecutive days, his/her name shall be struck off from the rolls of the Department/college. Such students shall not be re-admitted without the approval of the concerned authority. The student shall have to pay the prescribed re admission fee/dues under intimation to the Head of Department.
  3. For a student participating and representing the university in sports/co-curricular activities of national or international level events, as verified by the director of student affairs, the days spent by the student in such events shall be counted as present towards the attendance requirement.
  4. There will be no relaxation in attendance based on domestic/personal issues.
  5. At the end of each semester/year, the teacher concerned shall submit the statement showing the total number of lectures delivered and practical (if applicable) conducted, by him or her together to the chairperson / Head of the Department with the total numbers of lectures and practical attended by each student.

Note:- All mentioned rules and regulation of all aspects can be modified or amend at any time or as per need with the consultation of competent authority.

These rules cannot be challenged in any court of law.

Examination Rules:

Examination rules of Parent University will be followed.

Disciplinary Committee:
  1. The Disciplinary Committee deals against the student disciplinary matters and take corrective actions as per the rules & regulations. Committee meetings are conducted in two parts, firstly the information that bears on whether the student has engaged in specified violations or misconduct may be presented. If the Committee finds no violation or misconduct, the finding is recorded, and the proceeding is concluded. If the finding shows the involvement in a violation or misconduct by the student, the Committee shall hear and consider any information bearing upon circumstances of extenuation or mitigation in the second part of the proceeding.
  2. After considering all the available record against the summon, committee have the right to charge a fine, suspend or expel the student.
  3. The student suspended or expelled may appeal in front of MD against the final decision of committee up to two days, the appeal schedule will depend on the availability of competent authority.
  4. . However, if students show disrespectful/non-serious attitude during the hearing process to committee members or affected person, committee have right to banned him/her from classes on immediate effect.
  5. Students engaged in violations have to accept the final decision of the disciplinary committee.

Note:- All mentioned rules and regulation of all aspects can be modified or amend at any time or as per need with the consultation of competent authority.

These rules cannot be challenged in any court of law.