
Civil Engineering Lab

Structural Engineering Laboratory

Location:- Ground Floor Civil Engineering Labs Block

Lab Objective:- To understand relationships of physical processes, kinetics and kinematics and to develop skills to use the basic principles in engineering applications.

Courses Taught:- Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials and Structure Analysis etc.

Adequacy for Instruction:- Excellent

Software Available if Applicable:- RoK Science Slide V6.020S

Major Equipment:-:- Fatigue Testing Machine, Strut Sample, Spring Balance, Weight Hangers, Weights, Dial Gauges, Shear Centre Apparatus, Strain Rossete, Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Jib and Crane Apparatus, Fundamental of Statics Apparatus, Torque Apparatus, Strut Buckling Apparatus, Three Hinge Arch, Suspension Bridge Apparatus, Impact Apparatus, UTM (Model) etc..

Safety Regulations:- Presence of Lab Assistant is mandatory while performing experiments. Also, the Extra care is required for delicate and sensitive apparatus.

Structural Engineering Laboratory Gallery

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