Surveying and Levelling Laboratory
Location:- 2nd Floor Civil Engineering Labs Block
Lab Objective:- To understand theory and practical’s of land surveying and to develop skills using modern surveying instruments.
Courses Taught:- Elementary Surveying, Surveying & GIS-RS Applications
Adequacy for Instruction:- Excellent
Software Available if Applicable:- GIS
Major Equipment:-:- Prismatic Compass, Measuring Tape, Measuring Chains (All Types), Planimeter with Magnifier, Plane Table Apparatus, Dumpy Level, Transit Theodolite, Total Station, Abney clinometer, Digital Theodolite, GPS, Auto Level, Tripod, Staff, Ranging Rod
Safety Regulations:- Presence of Lab Assistant is mandatory while performing experiments indoor and outdoor. Also, extra care is required for delicate and sensitive apparatus.