
Civil Engineering Lab

Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Location:- Ground Floor Civil Engineering Labs Block

Lab Objective:- To provide background knowledge of transportation engineering with detailed and thorough understanding of framework of various transportation systems.

Courses Taught:- Geotechnical Engineering -I, Geotechnical Engineering-II

Adequacy for Instruction:- Excellent

Software Available if Applicable:- RoK Science Slide V6.020S

Major Equipment:-:- Consolidation Apparatus, Unconfined Apparatus with Mold, Sand Replacement Cylinders, Tri Axial Machine, Speedy Moisture Tester, Dual Mass Dynamic Cone Penetration Test Apparatus, Direct Shear Apparatus, Modified Proctor Apparatus (2 Nos), Standard Proctor Apparatus (1 No), Core Cutter Apparatus, Cast grand Apparatus (2 Nos), Oven, CBR Apparatus, Sieve Shaker, Quartering Box, Unconfined Apparatus (Manual), Speedy Moisture Tester (1 No)

Safety Regulations:- Helmets and gloves are mandatory to use while performing laboratory experiments. Also, the presence of Lab Assistant is mandatory in case testing.

Soil Mechanics Laboratory Gallery

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