Fee Structure Test

Fee Details

Programe wise per Semester/Annual Fee Details
Program/Courses Affiliation Admission Fee Fee after Scholarship Fee
Doctor of Parmacy
University of Health Sciences Lahore Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 308,000/- (per Year) Rs. 189,000/- (per Year)
Doctor of Physical Therapy
University of Sargodha Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per Semester) Rs. 60,000/- (per Semester)
(Comming Soon)
(Comming Soon)- (Comming Soon) (Comming Soon)
Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 105,000/- (per Semester) Rs. 42,000/- (per Semester)
Computer Science
Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per Semester) Rs. 29,000/- (per Semester)
BS Artificial Intelligence (AI)
BS Cyber Security(CY)
Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per Semester) Rs. 39,000/- (per Semester)
Bachelor of Business Information Technology(BBIT) University of Engineering & Technology Lahore Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per Semester) Rs. 29,000/- (per Semester)
B.Sc. Engineering
Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Software
University of Engineering & Technology Lahore Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 130,000/- (per semester) Rs. 99,000/- (per semester)
BS Chemistry
BS Mathematics
University of Engineering & Technology Lahore Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per semester) Rs. 39,000/- (per semester)
BS HND Govt. University College Faisalabad Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 80,000/- (per semester) Rs. 39,000/- (per semester)
Community Midwife(CMW)
Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 10,000/- (per Month) Rs. 6,000/- (per Month)
Livestock Assistant diploma(LAD)
Lady Health Visitor(LHV)
Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 10,000/- (per Month) Rs. 8,000/- (per Month)
At the time of Admissions:- Admission Fee and First Semester/year fee must be deposited

Not:-Examination fee and all internal assessment Fee will be charged in each semester/year as per regulation of parent University* and College.
*Parent University = University from which the concerned degree is affiliated.